Saturday, 12 January 2013

Yerp... I'm Back already.. lool
I can't help myself. 
I'm Just so excited.
Because as i sit in my pyjamas thinking about the year ahead I know God has amazing plans for me.
I have so many goals to reach and visions to explore.

Be that said ...God knows how to deal with me and when I'm slacking he let's me know it. So this is me giving you a little heads up.

Ladies we must not forget that in wanting these goals to be achieved we cannot forget our service to God.
We can not expect so much from God and not give anything back.
You want to start a business...... yet you can't show common humility at work when your boss or your colleagues at work/ school get on your nerves.
You want to become a youth leader...yet you can't even commit yourself to one church, let alone be an example to other young people in the church.

Sometimes God needs to see our commitment before he blesses us with even bigger responsibilities.
You Cannot just expect things to fall into your lap no matter how talented you are. God has a plan for every single persons life but it is our responsibility to commit to that plan, if we truly want it to come to pass.

Read your word and ask God to give you a humble heart and a new mindset for whatever blessings hes about to bestow upon you.
For with great blessings come great responsibility and unless your mindset is ready for it , you could totally ruin the blessing that God places in front of you.


Good Morning Ladies,

I Hope your having a great start to 2013!

This year i have decided to start a blog for all my beautiful ladies.
This blog is for those of you who want to hear about real issues and situations that women face but with practical and dare i say....... Godly resolution! :)

I'm gonna be hittin you up with make-up advice , bible scriptures, encouragment, and just plain old discussion.

Thank you for being a part of my new journey!

Signing out..... and i will see you soon.